7GB Data Sim Card.
You can also get £15, £20, €30
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For a summary of your plan visit www.vodafone.co.uk/plansummary
Big Value Bundle: Minutes to standard mobiles and landlines (UK: 01, 02, 03), standard texts and data (excluding entertainment packs
and Extras) to use in the UK and our Europe Zone. Lasts 30 days. Automatically renews every 30 days if you have enough credit. Opt
out by calling 4354. Roaming Data: 25GB fair use policy per month. For terms and Europe Zone destinations see www.vodafone.co.uk/
bigvaluebundle Total Rollover: Unused allowance from your current Big Value Bundle will only rollover from one bundle to the next. for use in the next 30-day period, if your Big Value Bundle renews automatically. For terms see www.vodafone.co.uk/bigvaluebundle Rewards: Terms apply, see vodafone.co.uk/rewards or relevant reward terms for details. If your Big Value Bundle expires and you don't renew. or if you opt out of your Big Value Bundle early, any remaining Big Value Bundle allowances will be removed and Pay as you go 1 rates will apply.